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header.php Use googleapis as a CDN
I modified header.php to load jquery.js from googleapis.
This has two advantages.
- You use googleapis as a CDN (Content Delivery Network), reducing your own serverload and loading time of jquery.
- You load the minified version to further improve loading time.

If for some reason the file could not be loaded a fail safe/fall back has been build in.

Original header.php
  • echo "</head>\n<body>\n";
  • require_once THEMES."templates/panels.php";
  • ?>
  • Parsed in 0.011 seconds, using GeSHi

    Now replace line 46 with:
  • Parsed in 0.012 seconds, using GeSHi

    So complete it woul like like this.
  • echo "</head>\n<body>\n";
  • require_once THEMES."templates/panels.php";
  • ?>
  • Parsed in 0.012 seconds, using GeSHi

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