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[Fix] password contains invalid characters!
Several times I have been contacted by people with trouble entering a valid password upon registration.
They would get an error like this: "Password is too short or contains invalid characters!"

I carefully looked at the corresponding function in PasswordAuth.class.php:
Download source  GeSHi: PHP
  1. // Checks if new password input is valid
  2. private function _isValidPasswordInput() {
  3. if (preg_match("/^[0-9A-Z@!#$%&\/\(\)=\-_?+\*\.,:;]{8,64}$/i", $this->inputNewPassword)) {
  4. return true;
  5. } else {
  6. return false;
  7. }
  8. }
Parsed in 0.020 seconds, using GeSHi

But could not find anything wrong.

Then I looked at the translation in the locale files and here is the culprit. The \ (backslash) is presented as a valid character in a password, but it is NOT.
In user_fields.php change:
Download source  GeSHi: PHP
  1. $locale['u147'] = "Password must be between 8 and 64 chars long.Allowed symbols are a-z, 0-9 and @!#$%&\/()=-_?+*.,:;";
Parsed in 0.009 seconds, using GeSHi

to (note the misplaced \ (backslash) here)
Download source  GeSHi: PHP
  1. $locale['u147'] = "Password must be between 8 and 64 chars long.Allowed symbols are a-z, 0-9 and @!#$%&/()=-_?+*.,:;";
Parsed in 0.009 seconds, using GeSHi

The \ (backslash) is used to escape some special characters in a preg_match function. Apparently this is a typo in the locale file and need to be fixed in order to ensure smooth registration of new users. Now they get frustrated and leave your site.
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